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How To Get The Best Out Of Life - 5 life lessons from being in a wheelchair

Writer's picture: Alton PaasAlton Paas

Some people say that life is the greatest teacher of all and I’ve realized in my situation that I was able to learn from the experiences I had as a person using a wheelchair. Those lessons made me reflect on my life and to understand better how I can live life.

I’ve chosen 5 things that I’ve learned to share with you that can inspire you to get the best out of life.

1. My perspective

Now sitting in a wheelchair changes the perspective immediately and is constantly reminding myself that most of the time people do not see what I see and that there are times I cannot see what other people that are standing beside me are seeing. That is something that I see a lot in every aspect of my life. In my family, in doing projects or business there is always something that I can see but because others cannot see it the way I do, it is my responsibility to explain and clarify what I’m seeing so we can make the best of what we have in front of us because there is always more than one way of seeing and understanding something.

2. We must discover/ be curious

Because of my situation that I was almost completely paralyzed for a period of time, there have been different moments that I had to learn new things. There is a saying that curiosity killed the cat and I can relate to that because too much of anything can be dangerous. I did realize however, that in my situation something that has helped me progress in life was the curiosity to discover what new or different things I can do to help myself. I remember I was in rehabilitation and I was waiting for the nurses to help me take my clothes off but I had to wait, so while I was waiting I thought would I be able to do it myself? So I tried it and it worked out well. That is why I’ve realized that in life curiosity can be a blessing to discover new talents or opportunities so we can make the best out of life.

3. Patience

As someone almost completely paralyzed as I mentioned earlier I needed help most of the time and sometimes the challenge was waiting, having patience to get help. There are times that we may have the urgency to do something to get it over with but there are moments that we have to wait. Even if I get mad or frustrated I still have to wait, the emotions won’t change the fact that I have to wait and it is something I experience daily. If I go out and need help with my wheelchair to put in the trunk of the car or to put safety belts on the wheelchair when I’m in special transportation I have to wait for someone to help me. That is why I am now more aware that I need patience and to understand when to wait or when to be proactive.

4. I have to try

One thing that was and is till today a challenge? The awareness that I must try it before I can say I cannot do it. Many times after my accident after I got comfortable laying in bed and lazy I was challenged to try stuff again. Try sitting, try brushing my teeth, try riding my own wheelchair. Especially my family and therapists encouraged me to try. If I was with someone else I could get help easily. Ain’t nothing wrong with that but as I look back at my progress I can see clearly that only because I was challenged and encouraged to try I was able to get to where I am today that every time someone asked if I can do it my reaction automatically is, let’s try and see. Even if it means getting out of my comfort zone.

Everyone that is still alive has the opportunity to live. Regardless!

5. We are more a like than we think

One of the things a lot of people tell me is that I am really strong, I am really determined to deal with my situation and I really appreciate those compliments and sometimes even encouraging words. I must admit though that some of those people are going through things themselves of which I wonder if I would be able to deal with those situations.

We are all going through stuff. Some worse than others that is why I am truly confident that we are all strong, determined to deal with everything. We’ve got this!

Some people have a disease, some people are in debt, some people have nothing but everyone that is still alive is strong enough and has the opportunity to actually live. Regardless!

So I encourage you today, understand that we all have our own perspective. Be curious and discover life. Have patience to get there, try before you say you can’t do it and know that we all have the opportunity to live, Regardless!

Copyright © 2017 by Alton Paas

All rights reserved

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